Reserve Lands

Our Traditional Territories and Reserve Lands

Red Rock Indian Band is on the Lake Helen Reserve #53A approximately ¼ mile from the junction of Highway 11/17 and approximately 100 kilometers east of Thunder Bay. It consists of two sections, Parmachene Reserve 53 and Lake Helen Reserve 53A. The total area covered by these two reserves is approximately 950 acres. 


Lake Helen Reserve #53A

Red Rock Indian Band is within the 1850 Robinson Superior Treaty Area. Band members use the Parmachene area regularly, for fishing, berry picking, hunting, trapping, gathering of medicinal plants, camping, and participate in traditional ceremonies. Blueberry picking in particular is enjoyed by many Red Rock Indian Band members.. The Lake Helen Reserve 53A is the main community located on the shores of Lake Helen. The community is bisected by Highway 11.


1850 Robinson Superior Treaty Area

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