Job Portal

To enquire about any existing job opportunities please contact the Band Office. Employment opportunities are also included in our weekly newsletter.  Contact the front desk for a Newsletter.


The Red Rock Indian Band is now accepting applications to be in a labour pool.  Please submit your application and resume outlining all your skills and certifications.  This posting will be ongoing throughout the summer, but we will be utilizing this pool when short term contracts come up.  Please submit your information to jobs(at), or drop off at the front desk.


General Information:

Summer Student Employment

Due to the limited amount of funding and the increasing amount of students, the following policy was developed to assist the Red Rock Indian Band in hiring students. Summer student employment will run during the months of July and August. The duration of employment will be dependent upon available funding. 


  • Must be at least 15 years of age
  • Grades 9 and 10 must have enrolled in and successfully completed 8 courses throughout the year
  • Grades 11 and 12 must have registered and successfully completed 6 courses or more throughout the year
  • Attendance is mandatory
  • Absolutely No skipping and No suspensions
  • All courses completed successfully

Required Documents

  • Please Note: if the following documents are not submitted you will not be considered for employment.
  • Attendance Records (Obtain from your school)
  • Final report card
  • Social Insurance Number
  • Student Information Form and Consent to Release Form (available at the band office)
  • Resume and cover letter

Students who do not submit their application with all the required documents or submit late will NOT be considered for student employment.


First Nations and Inuit Summer Work Experience Program (

Eligible youth participants

Eligible participants include:

  • First Nations secondary or post-secondary students ordinarily resident on reserve or in a recognized community, an approved settlement on Crown land
  • Inuit secondary or post-secondary students who are residents in Canada, but who reside outside their territory and are no longer eligible to be funded by their territory.
  • Since Territorial governments are the primary service providers for Inuit youth who reside on their territory, youth must provide proof that they are ineligible to receive funding from their Territorial government to participate in eligible Summer Work Experience Program activities.

Eligible youth must be legally entitled to work in Canada. Youth means persons aged 15 to 30 at the start of the program's activities. Eligible youth must be registered as secondary or post-secondary students during the preceding academic year and intend to go to school for the next academic session.

Ordinarily resident on reserve means that eligible youth:

  • live on reserve
  • do not maintain a primary residence off reserve

may be temporarily off reserve for the primary purpose of seeking education



What youth participants are eligible?

To be eligible,

  • youth must: 13
  • be between 15 and 30 years of age at the beginning of the employment period*;
  • be a Canadian citizen, permanent resident, or person to whom refugee protection has been conferred under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act for the duration of the employment**; and,
  • have a valid Social Insurance Number at the start of employment and be legally entitled to work in Canada in accordance with relevant provincial or territorial legislation and regulations. 

*The youth must be 15 years of age at the beginning of the employment period. The youth may be more than 30 years of age at the end of the employment period as long as the youth was 30 at the beginning of the employment period. **International students are not eligible participants. International students include anyone who is temporarily in Canada for studies and who is not a Canadian citizen, permanent resident, or person who has been granted refugee status in Canada. Youth awaiting a refugee status ruling, as well as those who hold a temporary visitor visa, youth visa or work visa are ineligible. As the objective of the CSJ program is to support youth entering the Canadian labour market, the temporary nature of an international student’s time in Canada does not allow for a long-term connection to the labour market. Other conditions of youth eligibility As per paragraph 13.1(a) of the Articles of Agreement, youth hired for a CSJ[1]funded job cannot displace or replace existing employees or volunteers, employees that have been laid-off and are awaiting recall, employees absent due to an industrial dispute, employees on vacation, or employees on maternity or parental leave. As per subsection 20.1, Nepotism, of the Articles of Agreement, no cost incurred by the Employer in relation to a Participant who is a member of the Immediate Family of the Employer or who is a member of the Immediate Family of an officer or director of the Employer, is eligible for reimbursement under the Agreement. If Canada is satisfied and agrees in writing before the commencement of the Job, that the hiring of the Participant was not the result of favouritism by reason of membership in the Immediate Family of the Employer, officer or director, as the case may be, the costs may be eligible for reimbursement. CSJ program funding cannot be used for self-employment, and the employer must establish an employer-employee relationship with the youth participant (i.e. the youth participant is entered into the organization’s records as an employee, wages are paid which include all necessary payroll deductions in accordance with labour regulations in the province or territory where the employment is located, and as per Section 32 in the Articles of Agreement). Youth hired for a CSJ-funded job should not be already employed full-time by the organization. However, a youth working part-time for an employer, or who has 14 previously worked for an employer as part of a CO-OP placement is eligible for a CSJ-funded job. As the intention of the CSJ program is to help young Canadians successfully transition into the labour market, a youth participant should be employed in only one CSJ-funded job per project. Employers are to hire the number of youth identified in their agreement. If you have questions about youth eligibility, contact Service Canada for more information.