Social Services

Social Services Administratior - William “Tommy” Legarde

Employment Counsellor - Joanna Decicco

The Red Rock Indian Band administers Social Services programming which includes following both the Ontario Works Act and the Homemakers and Nurses Services Act and Regulations. Applications for assistance and all other services provided through this office are done by appointments only.  Presently, there is one full time Social Services Administrator, one part-time Social Services Administrative Assistant, and a number of HomeMakers employed through this office. The funding for the Social Services programming builds on the 1965 Welfare Agreement and includes cost sharing by Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada with Ministry of Community and Social Services as well as Ministry of Health and Long Term Care Responsibilities and funding from Ministry of Education.

Programs offered through the Social Services office reflects "Ganawend'Zoyang" (taking care of our own) and includes the full delivery of Ontario Works, where Employment Assistance a full range of activities is linked to Financial Assistance.  The Ontario Works program is linked to other benefits such as ODSP, Discretionary and Transitional Home Support.  Our office also coordinates home support services through its Homemakers Program. 


  • Deliver the "full delivery" Ontario Works and Homemakers programs to eligible residents in accordance with legislative and policy terms/requirements
  • Submit monthly, quarterly and year end reports as required to proper funding sources
  • Brief Chief and Council on any amendments made to the Ontario Works Directives or any other aspect of the Social Services programs.
  • Forward recommendations to Chief and Council regarding Program Improvements
  • Liaise with representatives of ministry and departmental governments, professional organizations, support services to ensure professional delivery of Social Service Programs.

Resources & Links

Please note that our office regularly updates its Facebook page and MCSS frequently issues changes and that our office does its best to balance these with a view to protecting our children.

Social Services Info Session - Compliance PowerPoint

Social Services Info Session - New Rates PowerPoint



Our office maintains links to these partners:




Contact North



Dilico Anishinabek Family Care