Education Services

Director of Education – Kellie Wrigley



Red Rock Indian Band currently has 90 students registered in the Provincial school system. Our students are bused to:

  • St. Edward Catholic School (807) 887-2810
  • George O’Neil Public School (807) 887-2107 
  • Nipigon Red Rock District High School (807) 886-2201

Post-secondary students attend various Universities or Colleges of their choice throughout Canada. 

Director of Education Services

The Director of Education Services provides assistance to students/parents in every aspect of educational issues from early childhood education to adult education. Counseling students is the primary responsibility of NEC, but educational issues, matters, concerns, interests, goals and career counseling and administration are also conducted by NEC. 

Student Registration

Student registration takes place two weeks before the start of the new school year. This time is allotted for preparing the necessary amount of funds applied for. The staff of the Education Office would like to stress the importance of registering your child(ren) with this office. It is necessary for this office to receive specific information on each student attending school from Lake Helen Reserve. This information is
then submitted to Indian Affairs for tuition purposes.

Information you need to bring with you when registering your child(ren) includes:

  • The child’s status number
  • The school they will be attending
  • Grade and teacher
  • Emergency contact name and number
  • Alternative contact name and number

Post Secondary Funding

The Red Rock Band does not receive any funding for post-secondary student support. All Red Rock Band Members wishing to obtain funding for post-secondary education must apply to a funding authority. Students must submit applications to 7 Generations by June 1st Annually.

The Seven Generation: Education Institute administrators any/all funding for our post-secondary students. The Institute has a policy and guidelines that they follow. Students are funded in accordance with their policies, regardless of where the student resides. However, the program of choice must be an accredited program leading either to the receipt of a diploma or degree.

Any Red Rock Band Member wishing to receive more information regarding post-secondary funding can contact the Seven Generations Education Institute directly, or contact the Director of Education for the Red Rock Band.


Superior Greenstone District School Board

Superior North Catholic District School Board

Seven Generations Educational Institute
409 George St. Thunder Bay, ON P7E 5Y9