The Red Rock Indian Band (RRIB) is an Ojibwe First Nation in Northwestern Ontario, Canada. The Council is an independent member of Union of Ontario Indians, a Provincial Territorial Organization. As of November 2020, the total registered population of the Red Rock Indian Band is 2089, with 1789 members residing off-reserve.
Chief, Allan Odawa Jr.
Councillor, Ted Wawia
Councillor, Norma Lesperance
Councillor, Jolene Cote
Councillor, Corey Fowler
Honorary Councillor, Lauren Michelle
Chief and Council consists one (1) Chief, four (4) Councilors and one (1) Honorary Councillor that govern the Red Rock Indian Band. Term of office is four (4) years, for which they are elected under Band Custom. Along with being the political body for the Red Rock Indian Band, Chief and Council are responsible for the overall administration of the Band. The Red Rock Indian Band Chief & Council are elected to administer the day to day operation of the Band office. Band elections are governed under Band Custom.
Next General Election
General Band Meetings
General Band meetings are held on the 1st Wednesday of each month. Band meetings are held at Lake Helen Resource Centre and start at 7 pm. All Band members are urged to attend if possible.
Traditional Activities & Community Events