
Please send all inquiries to:

Band Membership Clerk - Marjorie Robert.


The membership clerk administers the membership program for the Red Rock Indian Band. The membership clerk assists community members in applying for status, renewing status cards and updating records regarding marriage, divorce and death.

As of January 2024, the Red Rock Indian Band consists of 2320 members. There are approximately 340 residents residing on reserve of which, approximately 285 are Red Rock Band Members. 2035 members live off-reserve.


Band Members: Please ensure our wonderful membership clerk, Marjorie Robert, has your correct address and mailing information. Please call 807-887-2510 or email Marjorie Robert to confirm or update address.


Marjorie Robert                                                        
P.O. Box 1030
Nipigon, Ontario
P0T 2J0
Tel: (807) 887-2510
Fax: (807) 887-3184
Toll Free: 1-877-887-2510


There is a mandatory 24 hours notice

to the Membership Office and 2 pieces of ID are required.



Effective January 2024

9am-4pm - Tuesday & Wednesday

(closed 1 hour for lunch at noon)


The membership office is currently issuing the older version of Certificate of Indian Status (CIS) paper laminated card AND the Secure Certificate of Indian Status (SCIS). Please note there are new requirements when renewing and/or applying for your CIS card.

Individuals 16 years and older are required to present 2 pieces of valid identification. These are:

  • Birth Certificate

  • Baptism Certificate (for those 65yrs or older)

  • Canadian or United States Passport (counts as 2 ID’s)

  • Driver’s License (provincial, territorial, state)

  • Employee ID card (w/photo)

  • Firearm’s License

  • Provincial health card

  • Student ID (w/photo)

  • CIS card (if not expired more than 6 months)

If you do not have 2 pieces of ID, you must bring in 1 piece of valid ID and the membership clerk can sign a guarantor form, provided she has known you for a minimum of 2 years.

Other acceptable Guarantors

  • Chief/Council/IRA

  • Dentist/Medical doctor or Chiropractor

  • Judge, magistrate, police officer

  • Lawyer

  • Notary public Minister (authorized to perform Marriages)

  • Principal

  • Pharmacist

  • Professional Accountant

  • Social Worker

  • Veterinarian

For those 15 years and younger, they are required to have 1 piece of valid ID from a parent or legal guardian and 1 piece from the child. If the legal guardian is applying for the child, a copy of the legal guardianship order is mandatory.

If you do not have the mandatory ID to obtain a status card please call: 1-800-567-9604. You will request from the call center, a Temporary Confirmation of Registration document. They will ask you a series of questions to confirm your identity and they will mail you a Temporary Confirmation of Registration document to you. This document will state your registration number and can be used in place of a status card to access benefits and services.

There is no fee for a CIS (status card) for Red Rock Band members. There is a $60.00 administration fee for NON members and they are required to give a minimum of 24 hours’ notice to the membership clerk, otherwise a card may not be issued to the NON band member. This is also dependent on the availability of status cards.

For band members living off reserve who are unable to travel on reserve to obtain their CIS laminate card, they may be able to obtain their card at their nearest First Nation. It is strongly recommended that band members contact the First Nation prior to the visit in order to confirm their policy, fees involved and office hours for issuing a Certificate of Indian Status card as these can vary. They also require notice prior to your visit.

Frequency of Issuance and Renewal

A registered Indian may only possess one (1) CIS at any given time and a maximum of two (2) CIS shall be issued to a registered Indian within any 12 month period. A paper laminated CIS issued to an individual over the age of eighteen (18) must be renewed five (5) years after the date of issuance.

Secure Certificate of Indian Status (SCIS)

You may make an appointment to apply for the SCIS at the Red Rock Indian Band office or in person at the ISC regional office on Fort William First Nation at 100 Anemki Place, suite 101. Appointments for intake and processing of SCIS applications must be made by calling 1-807-623-3534 and they will advise and confirm what documents are required. You may also apply online on the Indigenous Services Canada website at,

There is an app available through iPhone and Android phone users, it is the SCIS Photo app and it is free to download. It will send your photo directly to the SCIS processing Unit, you will need your information and your guarantor must be with you at the time of submission.

I process the SCIS applications using the SCIS photo app and act as the guarantor for Red Rock Indian Band members.

There are new identification requirements when applying for the Secure Certificate of Indian Status (SCIS) card.

To Apply In Person at Thunder Bay Regional Office and at the Red Rock Indian Band Office.

Registered Indians 16 years of age and older require: 

  • 1 piece of valid government issued photo identification.

If your last name differs from that of your birth certificate you will need:

  • Copy of Marriage certificate(s) (if you have valid ID in your married name, other than a Certificate of Indian Status); or Original government issued marriage certificate(s) (if you do not have valid ID in your married name);


  • Legal change of name document

Valid Identification includes:

Only 1 of the following ID is required;

  • Canadian or United States Passport

  • Enhanced Driver’s License or Identification card

  • NEXUS or FAST card

  • Driver’s License (Provincial, Territorial or State)

  • Other government issued ID (Federal, Provincial, Territorial or State)

The valid identification must include name, photograph and the signature of the applicant, though not necessarily on the same document.

Registered Indians 15 years and under or Dependent Adults:

Parents or guardians must provide the following:

  • 1 piece of valid identification

  • One parent or guardian is required to sign application form

  • Marriage certificate or other name-linking documents (if parent ID has different last name than on child’s birth certificate or custody documents) AND

  • Legal guardians to provide documentation proving guardianship and/or trusteeship

Valid Identification includes:

  • Canadian or United States Passport

  • Enhanced Driver’s License or Identification Card

  • NEXUS or FAST card

  • Driver’s license (provincial, Territorial, or State)

  • Other government issued ID (Federal, Provincial, Territorial or State)

PLEASE NOTE:  If the SCIS is lost, the person would have to cancel their SCIS card in order to obtain the CIS card. To cancel the SCIS card please call 1-833-352-2586.


Your child/children are considered to be non-status until they are registered in the Indian Register.

Newborns are covered for Non-Insured Health Benefits under their status parent(s) until they turn one (1). This gives the parent(s) one year to register their child. If after a year the child is not registered, the Non-Insured Health Benefits: prescriptions, dental, glasses, etc. will not be covered.

Eligibility for registration

If you should have any questions as to your or your child/children's eligibility please contact the membership clerk at the Red Rock Indian Band Office.

Process for registration of Indian Status

1. Your child needs to be registered with the Province. If your child was born in Ontario this can be done through the Newborn Registration Service at

2. You will need to apply for the Certified Copy of Birth Registration, also known as the Long Form Birth Certificate. This can be done online at and can be ordered at the same time when you register your child with the province of Ontario. Or fill in the "Request for Birth Certificate" application form and check off "Certified Copy of Birth Registration (Long Form Birth Certificate) and mail to the Office of the Registrar with as $35.00 money order or cheque payable to the Minister of Finance.

3. When you receive the Certified Copy of Birth Registration (Long Form Birth Registration) bring this to the membership office located at 2 Gas Road, Lake Helen Reserve or print out the application below. The completed application must be filled out and signed by both parents if their names are on the Birth Certificate. The completed application along with the Certified Copy of Birth Registration (Long Form Birth Registration) can be sent by registered mail to:

Indigenous Services Canada

Indian Registration

100 Anemki Drive, Suite 101

Fort William First Nation, ON

P7J 1A5

Note: Do not send in a copy of the Birth Certificate as this will not be accepted. The Birth Certificate will be returned to you once your child is registered.

For more information, contact the Membership Office at (807) 887-2510 ext. 234 or toll free at 1-877-887-2510 ext. 234

**Renewal of Status Card By Mail No Longer Available**

Gas Card Application

On January 1st, 2020, Gas Cards will no longer be required. CIS, SCIS or Letter of Temporary Confirmation of Indian Status replace Certificate of Exemptions.

Treaty Payment Application

Treaty Payment Applications are available through our membership office, please email Majorie Robert.  You may also apply through Indigenous Services Canada.

Marriage, Divorce and Death Certificates

In order for us to update our records all Band Members are required to register their marriage. Please send a photocopy of your marriage certificate. Should your marriage end in divorce, please send a photocopy of your divorce papers. If and when you wish to report a death, a copy of the Death Certificate or funeral directors statement of death is required. 

Please Note: if you do not report your marriage or divorce, prolonged situations may occur.

Helpful Links



From: FNcitizenship-citoyennetePN <fncitizenship-citoyennetepn(at)>
Sent: Friday, May 24, 2024 3:45 PM
To: FNcitizenship-citoyennetePN <fncitizenship-citoyennetepn(at)>
Subject: Indian Registration and First Nation Citizenship / L’inscription des Indiens et la citoyenneté des Premières Nationslauriemiller(at)



 We are reaching out to you to provide an update following the consultations on 2018-19 Collaborative Process on Indian Registration, Band Membership and First Nation Citizenship (Collaborative Process). While it is long overdue, it is important to keep you informed on key events that have occurred.


  • In 2019, the consultations on Bill S-3 and the Collaborative Process were concluded and the Report to Parliament was tabled. This report also included the report from the Minister’s Special Representative. You can read the reports here.
  • The concerns in managing the registration program were heard and recommendations were made for the need to build or enhance capacity, support to access genealogical information, and the need for more resources to assist people in determining ancestry for both registration and band membership. Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) has undertaken a number of changes following the full implementation of Bill S-3. You can read about their updates here.
  • ISC is also leading further amendments to Indian Act registration under Bill S-38 – you can read more about those changes here.
  • During the 2018-19 Collaborative Process, there were three streams of consultation; the third steam asked if First Nations should have exclusive responsibility over membership and citizenship. We heard the government should not have control over determining who belongs to a Band. One of the recommendations by the Minister’s Special Representative was to begin the legal framework or co-development process of allowing First Nations to determine who their people are via exclusive responsibility for determining membership and citizenship (which would include Indian Registration under the Indian Act).  Since then, Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada (CIRNAC), in partnership with ISC, has been working to develop a proposed approach for engagement and co-development of options to give First Nations a choice to move away from Indian Act defined registration and membership.
  • In 2021, Canada passed legislation, the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act (UNDA) and it came into force on June 21, 2021. UNDA affirms the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UN Declaration) as an international human rights instrument, ensures Canadian laws to be consistent with the UN Declaration, and requires the government to work with Indigenous people on how to implement it. It also affirmed that Aboriginal and treaty rights are protected by section 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982.  To implement UNDA, Canada had to develop an Action Plan in cooperation with Indigenous people. You can find more information on the weblink:  An important step in upholding the human rights of Indigenous peoples in Canada -


  • In November 2023, the 2023-2028 UNDA Action Plan was announced. First Nation Priorities Action Plan, Measure #9 outlines the intent of CIRNAC and ISC to work cooperatively to “Consult First Nations and other impacted Indigenous groups to support the co-development of opt-in alternatives to Indian Act registration and membership (First Nation citizenship). This will include a broad spectrum of Indigenous demographic groups, such as women, girls and 2SLGBTQI+ people, Elders, Treaty groups, etc.” (page 50 under Civil and Political Rights).
  • In November 2023, the Minister of Indigenous Services also launched the Collaborative Process on the Second-Generation Cut-Off and Section 10 Voting Thresholds. The co-development of consultation and a rights-holder information sharing initiative are underway.  A rights-holders information kit was distributed to every First Nation on February 23, 2024. You can obtain further information here. ISC’s work is being undertaken in support of UNDA Action Plan Measures 7 & 8 under First Nation Priorities (page 50). If you have any specific questions or concerns relating to the work led by Indigenous Services Canada on Bill C-38 and the Collaborative Process on the Second-Generation Cut-Off and Section 10 Voting Thresholds, please contact:



In providing this update, we wish to bring to your attention the UNDA Action Plan Measure #9 above and advise that CIRNAC is working internally in cooperation with ISC to plan a broader process around the co-development of opt-in alternatives to Indian Act registration and membership (First Nation citizenship). We are not yet ready to embark on a comprehensive process at this time, but are open to hearing your thoughts and having conversations on issues related to  moving away from Indian Act registration and membership towards First Nations fully determining their own people (citizens) outside of Canada’s and the Indian Act’s control. If you do have questions or input, please do not hesitate to reply to this email, or email separately to: fncitizenship-citoyennetepn(at)

We will keep you updated as the work to co-develop alternatives to Indian Act registration and membership progresses.

We hope this update is helpful and welcome any input you may have. 

Thank you / Merci / Wela’lin / Ekosani / Miigwech/ Meegwetch / Marsee / Mahseecho / Mutna/ Wopida / Gunałchéesh / Hei / Marci Cho / ᖁᐊᓇᖅᑯᑎᑦ / Quanaqqutit / Nakurmik / Kukwstsétsemc / Tiawenhk / Woliwun


Engagement and Policy Directorate

Indigenous Institutions and Governance Modernization Branch

Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada

Personnes-ressources pour le processus de collaboration

Administrateurs du Registre des Indiens

Premières Nations