60's Scoop Class Action Settlement Info Sessions

Posted on December 13, 2018



Sixties Scoop Class Action Settlement

Information session tour stops in Toronto and Thunder Bay

Toronto, December 5, 2018 – On December 18, in Thunder Bay, and on December 21, in Toronto, Collectiva and its First Nations' partners will hold information sessions for the Sixties Scoop Class Action Settlement to assist members in completing their claim forms. The Sixties Scoop Class Action concerns any registered Indian or person eligible to be registered or Inuit person who was adopted or made a permanent ward and was placed in the care of non-Indigenous foster or adoptive parents in Canada between January 1, 1951 and December 31, 1991, which resulted in the loss of cultural identity. Eligible class members could receive compensation between $25,000 and $50,000 depending on the overall number of eligible members.

During the information session, class members will have access to professionals for answers to their questions, help in completing claim forms and financial planning information. 










December 18, 2018

Thunder Bay

Victoria Inn Thunder Bay

555 West Arthur Street

Thunder Bay (ON)  P7E 5R5

December 21, 2018


Toronto Council Fire Native Cultural Centre

439 Dundas St East

Toronto (ON) M5A 2B1

To access the full list of communities to be visited, click here.

For more information or assistance you may go to: https://www.sixtiesscoopsettlement.info, call 1 844 287-4270 or send an e-mail request to sixtiesscoop(at)collectiva.ca.  

SOURCE: COLLECTIVA Class Action Services

For further information: Mélanie Vincent, Cell / SMS: (418) 580-4442 | melanievincent21(at)yahoo.ca