Temporary Emergency Housing and Program Center Survey

Posted on March 17, 2021

RRIB has been selected to receive funding through the Indigenous Homes Innovation Initiative. This funding will directly support building a highly energy efficient building on-reserve. After conversations with Council, it was recommended that the funding go towards building a Community Support Centre. This Centre will offer short-term emergency housing for up to 3 families, office space for Family Support Workers, and include space for health and well-being programming.

A key feature of the Community Support Centre is that it will be built to a Net Zero Energy Ready standard. This means the building will be very energy efficient, healthier, and cheaper to operate. Net Zero Energy Ready also means that the building will have the wiring and infrastructure to include solar panels to become fully self-sustainable (Net Zero) in the future.

We will be working with an Architecture/Engineering team to come up with the designs for the building. Before that happens, we are seeking community input to hear how you feel about the project, and what suggestions you may have for the Support Centre to include.

We’re asking you to take five minutes to share your ideas through this survey:

This project will allow us to showcase the benefits of high-performance construction and provide an opportunity for hands-on training for community members, while creating a much-needed service for our community.

Some of our next steps include:


  1. Hearing your thoughts on this project through a survey.
  2. Creating initial design of the Safe House Facility.
  3. Identifying training and employment opportunities for our community members.

Fill out the survey by April 2nd to be entered to win a $100 Gift Card!

See link below.


Contact Melissa McDonald @


for more information